
Blog - Megazumi World

First Blog Post!

I think I can officially say that this website is ready to be shared! While it's certainly not perfect, I think it's good to start and I have a guestbook which is one my two main goals for creating this site.

The other goal is figuring out how to make a community drawing board which I currently have no idea how to create u_u;

UPDATE: I found a new drawing resource called Drawbox! You can add a fun doodle here!

An introduction for those who don't know me!

My name is Logan S. and I'm an artist, writer and game dev (TBD). I've been drawing since I was 2 or 3 years old and I never stopped drawing. I drew a LOT while in class from elementary all the way through high school. To me, there wasn't anything else I wanted to do besides make art. The idea of a "normal" job didn't appeal to me. I was always very pessimistic about working my whole life in a job I hated.

That's still true to this day lol.

"Some of the earliest art I still have. Original Pokemon designs, do not steal."

I didn't have any big plans on what I wanted to do with my art or how to make a career out of it. But when it was time to go to college, I almost opted out because I didn't think it would offer anything of value to me. (Woohoo, the American education system! /sarcasm) Eventually though, I found a college with an arts program and I applied incredibly late but managed to get into the fall semester and it was a great experience for me.

I'm not sure how my art would've progressed if I hadn't gone to school, but the classes I took and the people I met made a big impact on me and my understanding of art.

"High school drawings circa. 2013"

Eventually, I graduated with a BFA in Drawing & Illustration fall 2019. However, I was completely burned out on art and seriously depressed. And just a few short months later COVID happened which obviously made a big impact in the way everyone worked and lived.

In that time I managed to improve my mental health and even land a job I didn't hate. However, my passion for art just wasn't there anymore. A few years later, and I still felt the same way and I began to wonder if I was done with art. If my experiences had served their purpose and it was time to do something else.

I did a lot of writing and running games like Dungeons & Dragons and Monster of the Week which helped fufill the need to be creative and express myself!

But then something happened! I started drawing again, but with a twist. While at work I would spend hours drawing in MS Paint with a mouse. It was fun, janky and imperfect which is exactly why it was so much fun. And then one day, I had an idea. What if I made a video game project? I had no experience coding but my passion for video games runs deep. So I figured it could be a fun exercise. So I started drawing characters for a virtual pet game based on early 2000's flash websites and I became obsessed with it.

"A few examples of my MS Paint drawings."

Fastforward to today, almost two years later- and I've been drawing again! A lot of sketching in my notebook and trying out Art Fight. I bought a new tablet and began practicing digital art again. It was like starting over but without any overwhelming barriers. It was so fun and freeing. Eventually I decided what to call my project and I made a Tumblr for it. That's where Megazumi World began! And now I'm even working on a visual novel! (Although, I haven't made much progress this year x_x)

Alright, that's all I have to say for now. I look forward to updating more and connecting with people on neocities and beyond! Thanks for stopping by!

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